25 Replies to “Fred Couples Butter Swing”

  1. Basic recipe for this type of golf swing:
    Fairly strong left hand grip position with a noticeable squeeze by the last three fingers
    A VERY light right hand grip
    A TOTALLY relaxed left arm
    A slight “leaning” toward the target on the backswing
    The objective being to allow a full shoulder turn to cause the relaxed left arm to be pulled taut through impact as a result of centrifugal force so that you’re not as much swinging the golf club as much as you are “slinging” club head through the ball.

  2. If Freddy can swing dick like he swings a golf club he’d be hittin’ the G Spot everytime.

  3. That swing is so buttery, I could borrow some for lubrication and nobody would notice!

  4. haha it takes a lot to earn johnny miller’s respect. i think couples has it. 

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